Loud Alarm Motion Antitheft

Loud Alarm Motion Antitheft is a security application for mobile devices that is designed to deter theft and protect your device from unauthorized access.


Loud Alarm Motion Antitheft is a security application for mobile devices that is designed to deter theft and protect your device from unauthorized access. The application uses the device’s accelerometer to detect movement and, when activated, will sound a loud alarm when movement is detected while the device is locked. The loud noise is intended to deter a potential thief and alert the owner or others nearby that the device is being tampered with.

The Loud Alarm Motion Antitheft also could include a feature to take a picture of the person who is trying to steal the phone. This way you could have a proof of the incident and use it to report the theft.

Protect Your Device

Loud Alarm Motion Antitheft can also include a variety of additional features to enhance security and protect your device. For example, it may include GPS tracking, which allows you to locate your device on a map if it is lost or stolen. It may also include a remote wipe and lock feature, which allows you to erase all data from the device and lock it remotely if it is lost or stolen. Additionally, it could include notifications to the device owner when the alarm is activated, so you can be alerted if someone tries to steal your device.

It is important to note that the Loud Alarm Motion Antitheft application is not intended to replace a password or other lock screen security measures, but rather to work as an additional layer of security for your device. This means that even if someone attempts to steal your device, the loud alarm and other security features of the application will make it more difficult for them to gain access to your personal information and data.

Loud Sound

Sounds a loud alarm when movement is detected while the device is locked

Detect Movement

Uses the device's accelerometer to detect movement

Erase Data

Remote wipe and lock feature to erase data and lock the device remotely if it is lost or stolen


GPS Tracking

GPS tracking to locate the device if it is lost or stolen


Send notifications to the device owner when the alarm is activated

Screen Security

Additional layer of security for the device, not a replacement for a password or other lock screen security measures.

It is important to note that the Loud Alarm Motion Antitheft application is not intended to replace a password or other lock screen security measures, but rather to work as an additional layer of security for your device.